Kamis, 22 September 2022

Lirik Lagu Wellerman

 halo teman teman!

hari ini kita akan nyanyi wellerman!

nah wellerman ini lagu kesukaan saya lho!

Ini dia Liriknya:

There once was a ship that put to seaThe name of the ship was the Billy of TeaThe winds blew up, her bow dipped downOh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
She'd not been two weeks from shoreWhen down on her a right whale boreThe captain called all hands and sworeHe'd take that whale in tow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
Before the boat had hit the waterThe whale's tail came up and caught herAll hands to the side, harpooned and fought herWhen she dived down low (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
No line was cut, no whale was freedThe captain's mind was not of greedAnd he belonged to the Whaleman's creedShe took that ship in tow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
For forty days or even moreThe line went slack then tight once moreAll boats were lost, there were only fourBut still that whale did go (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
As far as I've heard, the fight's still onThe line's not cut, and the whale's not goneThe Wellerman makes his regular callTo encourage the captain, crew and all (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go
Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguing is doneWe'll take our leave and go

Menghadiri Acara Blogger Gathering Di Kaina Tower, Apartement The Nove, Nuvasa Bay


                                                                 Halo teman teman!                                              

                          Hari ini Aku jalan jalan  ke apartement The Nove, Nuvasa Bay, Batam

seru loh teman teman! Aku ketemu sama blogger lain, diajak jalan jalan, dan makan siang bersama. Aku makan dengan bakso ikan, ayam, dan kerupuk, wah enak sekali loh teman teman! Kemudian aku foto-foto, ini dia beberapa hasilnya: 

nah itu dia manteman..
Oh iya, Unit-unitnya bagus lho!
ada Unit yang ada 3 ruang, lho! dan apartement nya bagus banget!
dan pas aku makan, banyak blogger yang lain loh!

terus, pas mau pulang ada pembagian hadiah, dan hadiahnya keren-keren lho Teman- teman! Walaupun kami gak menang, tapi juga dapet hadiah lho!
hadiahnya adalah: payung, topi bagus, dan termos.
dan di lantai 7,8,dan 9 ada penthouse lho! dia kamarnya ada yang 2,3 bahkan ada yang
berlantai 2 lho!
trus pemandangannya lapangan golf dan pantai loh! sayangnya waktu itu lagi hujan, jadi pantainya kurang terlihat.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Assalamualaikum Teman Teman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
eh btw ada Pertanyaan: nenek-nenek jatuh dari lantai tujuh bahasa arabnya apa?
jawab di komentar Ya! akan diterima 5 pengirim pertama.